Wilton and Fairhill Shallow Long Life Resource
One of the few world-class underdeveloped open cut hard coking coal projects in the Bowen Basin
2.6 Bt total resource of which 738 Mt is <100m depth:
200Mt is classified as Measured Resource
643Mt is classified as Indicated Resource
The Project JORC Reports were completed to a standard compliant with the 2012 Edition JORC Code

Location and Regional Geology
The Wilton and Fairhill projects are located in the central region of the Bowen Basin surrounded by prominent operational coal mines such as Ensham, Gregory-Crinum, Kestrel and Oaky Creek. The Bowen Basin is the northern part of the 1,800km long Bowen-Sydney-Gunnedah Basin, a thick meridional accumulation of Permian and Triassic sediments with extensive coal measure development. The exposed part of the basin in Central Queensland is triangular in shape, 250km wide at its base and 600km long.
Permian coal sequences typical of those found on the Comet Ridge in the central Bowen Basin are found on these projects. The multiple coal seams of the Burngrove (six seams) and Fairhill (six seams) formations occur at shallow depths and are the primary targets within the tenements. The German Creek formations are present but at depth.
Exploration has confirmed the presence of both the Burngrove and Fairhill Formations. Extensive field mapping in the south-west of the Wilton tenement has identified coal outcrops of seams from both the Burngrove and Fairhill Formation. Drilling in the north of the tenement has confirmed continuity of the seams across the entire tenement with consistent thicknesses and low angle dips.
The Wilton and Fairhill Projects are a large area of deep-to-outcropping Fort Cooper Coal Measures within the central Bowen Basin. Coal seams of both the Burngrove Formation (Upper) and Fairhill Formation (Lower) subcrop throughout the project area on a regionally NE-SW trend, dipping very slightly to the west/northwest. At the shallowest fresh coal intersections have obtained at a depth of 10.5 metres during costeaning operations while averaging 10 metres to 15 metres across the east of the Projects. A strike length of over 10 kilometres across both these Projects ensures long-term low-cost mining.
The Projects resources are contained within all 6 coal seams of the Burngrove Formation and all six seams of the Fairhill Formation. Individual seam thickness varies across the project with recorded intercepts up to approximately 20 metres, however, these seams can contain a large number of coal and waste plies. In total 209 coal plies have been correlated and modelled across both the Burngrove and Fairhill Formation coal seams.
Mining & Processing
The Projects will be mined as an open-cut, truck and shovel operation including dozer push and evolving to incorporate a dragline to maximise mining efficiency. Run of Mine (ROM) coal from the Projects will be hauled to a centralised ROM stockpile and Coal Handling and Preparation Plant (CHPP). From the ROM stockpile, CHPP feed will be pre-treated through crushing and screening to remove as much waste material as possible. This material is then fed into the CHPP, along with some direct feed, to be processed into primary coking coal.
Grant of Mining License for Wilton and Fairhill Projects
Read more here: https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/96649